Loredana Valenzano's BLOG

Something about me, my daily life, science, music, news, curiosities and so on...

Sunday, December 31, 2006

Buon 2007!!!

Another year is gone. A special year for us with Emanuele's birth. A year full of emotions and happiness. With more tears of joy than of sorrow. A new year is going to start in a few hours: we want to wish to everyone an healthy year first of all. And that the 2007 might bring to you what you are still looking for. I found Maurizio some years ago and together we had Emanuele. I am healthy and surrounded by people who love and respect me. I have a job that allows me to do what I like and have fun with it. I think it is enough if I ask only one thing to this new year: please, let everything stay as it is!

"But, we can't transform our origin
Atoms stay atoms forever
The senses of Nature will always win
In this earthly endeavour
From quantum theory to rustic haven
The laws of origin control birth
From feeble fool to strong maven
Everyone inherit the earth"
Borknagar - Epic (2004)

Friday, December 29, 2006

More news and pictures to come

There have been many news in the last ten days: Emanuele turned 6 months the 23rd of December. A week before he started to eat some "serious" food and the 24th the first two teeth appeared in hi mouth. Not to mention that today he said "Mamma" for the first time (see previous post). Well, maybe he is not yet conscious of saying "mamma" but still for me it has been a great emotion hearing his voice calling me that way for the first time in my life. I will post lots of pictures in the next days: stay tuned!!!!


Click on the picture to watch Emanuele saying "MAMMA" :))))

Friday, December 22, 2006

We wish you a Merry Christmas...

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Various from the last week

Christmas shopping at 8-gallery.

"I like to live dangerously!" (#1).

"I like to live dangerously!" (#2).

Christmas dinner with "I Teorici".

Family shot.

Back home after the dinner at the restaurant (Emanuele can sit now!)

Trying to find a bug in the code for mom...

Looking at the Christmas tree.

Playing with the big turtle (Emanuele is setting by his own).

Sunday, December 10, 2006

In the last 10 days

Eating some bread... at last!!!

Getting bored on the tram #18.

Trying out the new "chair" so that we can all go to the restaurant and to pizzeria sometimes.

Eating a "grissino stirato a mano".

"Gnam... I did a good job so far..."

Baby "birba"...

...first damage for nonni Valenzano.

With Javier at nonni Valenzano's, the day before he left for Christmas Holiday.

First time with a real shirt :)

On tram #18 towards another zia Laura...

With zia Laura (bis): long time Maurizio's friend.

"She is a good looking woman...."

".... I like her!!!"

"Do I have a sister?!?!?!" (we had the impression that Emanuele thought this doll was a real person since he did not try to "eat" her and he looked her straight into her eyes.)

Merry Christmas!!!! (#1)

Merry Christmas!!!! (#2)