Loredana Valenzano's BLOG

Something about me, my daily life, science, music, news, curiosities and so on...

Sunday, April 22, 2007

10 months (tomorrow)!!!

Tomorrow Emanuele will turn 10 months, already!
Here some photos and a video taken today.

Forza Juve!!!

Some days ago...

Monday, April 16, 2007

Album of the month

Ludovico Einaudi - "Divenire" - 2006
1. Uno 2. Divenire 3. Monday 4. Andare 5. Rose 6. Primavera 7. Oltremare 8. Origine Nascosta 9. Fly 10. Ascolta 11. Ritornare 12. Svanire

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Pediatrician's check-up

This morning Emanuele had the periodic check-up at the pediatrician. He menaged not to cry when she checked him even though he was very worried about all the situation. Obviously he did not give his best performance but, compared with the other times, this one went a bit better. Also the doctor was happy about the fact the he did not cry. Anyway, Emanuele is a big healthy boy: he is now 77 cm long for a weight of 7600 gr and a head's circonference of 45.5 cm and he does what he is supposed to do for his age. So, mom & dad are happy and proud of their little treasure :)))

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Easter picnic

Picnic day today. We went to the park next door and we had a very pleseant time with our friend Javier. We had some sandwiches and eggs. Some drinks and a lot of chats :) Emanuele sat for the first time in the grass and he was so happy! He enjoyed the experiment a lot and for this reason we decided to repeat soon the experience.... taking a ball with us the next time :) Emanuele was very impressed by the flowers and he almost ate a fly :$
Below, some nice shots. (Look at Maurizio's BLOG for other different pictures).

Monday, April 09, 2007

Born metaller :)

In these photos Emanuele is wearing one of the gifts from our Swedish friend Stefan: the prophetic sentence on it is "born metaller"...

Emanuele in the evening #2

Emanuele in the evening #1

Emanuele playing #2

Emanuele playing #1

Emanuele's gym session #2

Emanuele's gym session #1

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

1st of april on MTV Italia (youtube video)


Sunday, April 01, 2007

Playing Bongos... as Feynman ;)

Torino's Glory (youtube video)
