Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Thursday, November 23, 2006
5 months!!!
Today Emanuele turns 5 months. For some curious coincidence, his presence in our family officially started exactly one year ago (23rd November 2005) when we had the first echography and we had the prove that he was really on the way. In our year, different kind of emotions touched our hearts but all of them are deeply preserved in our memories. It is impressive and almost mystic to realize that the 18.8 mm long "bean" of the first picture is now the 5 months baby of the second picture who is discovering every day the world around him.

Eating, Playing, Smiling
Finally, a serious upgrade of my blog with lots of pictures from the last week. Enjoy!

(not including his two books).
He can now catch stuff with his hands by his own.
Monday, November 20, 2006
Album of the month

This Will Never End
Turn the Page
Carry the Blessed Home
Another Stranger Me
Straight Through the Mirror
Skalds and Shadows
The Edge
The New Order
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Petriatician's pit stop
Emanuele had this morning the 4.5 months check up at the pediatrician. Everything is all right! He is now 68 cm long. His weight is 6450 gr and his head's circonference is 42 cm. We have to wait until Christmas time to start with some real food as vegetable soup with meat, parmisan cheese and oil. We can't wait to see his faces while he will experiment this new way of eating.

Sunday, November 12, 2006
Chronicles from this weekend
Yesterday afternoon I went with my brother Enrico and my friend Umberto to Artissima 13, the annual Torinese appointment with contemporary art. Maurizio and Emanuele waited for me at 8-Gallery. They had the occasion to spend some time together: I had the digital camera so there are no pictures of it, but they went around, had a beer and attracted the attention of many young and less young women...
and by the Olympic Arch in Lingotto.

Emanuele at the Pizzeria hoping to get something to eat.
We started with a small piece of apple.
He was surprised by the taste, certainly different from mother's milk
but he seemed to like it anyway or at least to be interested in it and in this
new way of having food.
bbbbbrrrrrr.... not this time!!!"
Monday, November 06, 2006
Pix from the last weekend

Emanuele enjoyed the walk almost until 8-Gallery in his warm winter sack.

More architectural pictures at
in the section "Torino".

not only in a passive way but also actively.
We bought home one of our little keyboard and we put it in front of Emanuele: test passed!
As soon as Emanuele's hands capacity will improve we will post his first composition :)
As soon as Emanuele's hands capacity will improve we will post his first composition :)
Emanuele Ritchie listened to his omonymous (Ritchie Blackmore) and he enjoyed it a lot...
...look at his face!!!
...look at his face!!!