Loredana Valenzano's BLOG

Something about me, my daily life, science, music, news, curiosities and so on...

Monday, October 29, 2007

Photos from the last week

Waiting for the Halloween party of the coming Wednesday, here some pictures taken during the last week.

First attempts in using the baby-pot... so far it's fun... Emanuele realized the use of it ("CACCA").... but he did not menage yet....

Third time at the swimming pool: a great success :)

Ready for the water :)))

Turn at the cemeteries to visit the grandparents and the grand-grandparents. The visit ended at Casale (Dogliani) in the house where nonna Livia was born (see also photos below).

"I already got the keys of the house....."

Friday, October 26, 2007

Torino's skyscaper

Senza cadere nel volgare o nella retorica, mi limito ad un laconico "no comment". L'ex assessore comunale all'ambiente Paolo Hutter ha accennato alla possibilta' di indire un referendum tra i cittadini: nel caso questo avvenga, esorto tutti ad apporre la propria firma. Buon weekend dalla Ottocentesca Torino....

Monday, October 22, 2007

Sunday afternoon

Yesterday I was supposed to go to my parents' place to put in order my old room and arrange for moving in the new house books and shelves. Instead of doing that, I slept for one hour and took care of my sleeping beauty.... he is growing up quickly: such moments have to be enjoyed. Books and shelves can wait!

Out for dinner... again

On Saturday evening we went again out for dinner at our friend's Fabrizio and Marina. As usual, Emanuele ate everything (pasta al pomodoro, farinata, mela, gelato). He played a lot with Matteo, 5 years old Fabrizio's son. We came back home at 1am with Emanuele cheering and kissing our hosts. Again a nice experience to be repeated soon :)

The swimming pool

Emanuele and I are dedicating our Wednesday afternoon to the swimming pool. We went twice so far. The time table is not the most practice one. We are supposed to stay in the water from 16:30 to 17:15, right when it is "merenda" time. Usually Emanuele falls asleep on the bus so that I have to wake him up at 16:05 the latest, giving him some energy (chocolate bar and fruit juice), change the both of us and enter the water. Kind of shock... but after a few minutes everything is ok and we can enjoy playing together. Here some photos before and after the lesson of the last week.

Out for dinner

A few evenings ago, we went for dinner at Raffaella's. She lives at the University College. We had dinner in the common kitchen of her floor with many students. Emanuele enjoyed the dinner (pasta con gamberetti, piselli in umido, formaggio, marmellata di albicocche, uva) and played with the other "kids" ;) We also had some nice chats, we listened to some music and we played football in the long corridor. It was a very pleseant evening to be repeated soon :)

Thursday, October 11, 2007

At the swimming pool

Yesterday afternoon Emanuele and I went to the swimming pool for the first time. We had a very good time. Emanuele enjoyed the water and the teacher Claudia, even though we did not really need her help in staying busy and enjoy the time together. I did not have the chance to take any photo since I had to watch him carefully. Anyway, we signed for a card for 8 entrances so I hope I will have the chance to shot a bit the next time.

Sunday, October 07, 2007

Torino in Metro

The new underground station at Porta Nuova.... at last!!!!
The Torinesi can't believe that this event became reality....

At 8 Gallery

Friday, October 05, 2007

Metro at Porta Nuova!!!

Tuesday, October 02, 2007


Emanuele is back online