Loredana Valenzano's BLOG

Something about me, my daily life, science, music, news, curiosities and so on...

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Usually in the evening...

Recorded the 19th January 2007.
Click on the picture to watch the movie.

Emanuele's Music

Recorded the 7th January 2007.
Click on the picture to watch the movie.

Tons of photos!!!

Pictures from the last month or so: from the top to the bottom, from new to old.

Playing (and screaming of joy) at home a few evenings ago.

Look at Emanuele's teeth :)

"Let's take the shoes off!"

Recharging the batteris... for some minutes...

Green big eyes.

Listening to dad.

"Finally mom and dad can sleep without me! At last, some indipendence!!!"

"This is my kingdom!"

Emanuele with "Miciotto Dondolotto".

4 eyes.


... and laughing...

...and learning...

...and laughing...

...and playing...

...and thinking.

Waiting for some rest.

After the rest.

"I'm soooooooo cool!"

New year's eve: ready to eat, to drink... and to dance all night long!!!

Waiting for the 00:00 of the 1st of January 2007.

It's 2007!!!!!

Some champagne.

Some love.

Emanuele's first pizza baked by Maurizio.

Emanuele with zio Enrico's Christmas present :)))


25th December 2006 at Nonni Bagnasco's: discovering "Miciotto Donodolotto".