I told you not to loose the faith :)
In the following, a collection of my favourite pictures taken in the last two weeks. You have already seen some of them in Maurizio's BLOG. Never mind! I hope you will like my choice! Enjoy!

A working day, more than two weeks ago. Maurizio, alone at home with Emanuele, is feeding him.

Saturday, 30th September: having a break at 8-Gallery (Lingotto).

Still at 8-Gallery.

Coming back home by bus number 74 after waiting under a soft rain for tram number 18 something like 35 minutes. Emanuele always behaves as a big boy in this situations! We are not afraid to go around with him!

Sunday, 1st October: going to Nonni Valenzano to celebrate my 35th birthday.

Emanuele with Prozio Gigi during the party.

After lunch with zia Laura.

Emanuele with his first book.

Last Saturday morning: falling asleep.

Sunday, 8th October: Nonna Lidia's birthday with Zio Roberto.

After lunch with cousin Chiara (who prefers Russel Crowe... fair enough).

Sitting on the sofa as a big boy :)

Sleeping with Nonna Lidia (with the supervision of Zia Laura).

With mom.

With Nonna Livia, the last week while mom was sick at home.

Sitting on the sofa at home, one of the last morning.

When one says "this is really a GOOD book!"

Just before sleeping.


After sleeping.

Laughing with mom :))))

Sleeping again.

Yesterday evening: making gym.

Yesterday evening: after the gym.

This morning: some shots by Maurizio... "the sun kisses the beauty".

Tonight: finding keyboard shortcuts that mom didn't know!!!
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