In a warm summer afternoon, a new life sees the light for the first time. After more than 12 hours of labour and some moments of fear, it is 16:39 of the 23rd of June 2006. Emanuele Ritchie Bagnasco is screaming, asking himself "Where am I? Who am I? Who are all these people around me? I was so happy where I was before! Bring me back!". At the same moment, his parents are deeply breathing the same air to cover the emotion in seeing their son. Emanuele is still attached to me through the umbelical cord. The last 30-40 seconds of physical bonding are going to end soon, after nine magic months of fear, happiness, emotions and waiting. Once Maurizio will cut the cord, Emanuele will be a person of his own ready to start his way in this life.
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