The BIG Sleep :)
Here I am after some days of silence. At this time you know that sometimes it happens with me. To start, the big news of the day; what I would call "THE BIG SLEEP". At last, it happened! Emanuele slept all the night through. He had the last milk yesterday evening at 23:00, he felt asleep and he woke up this morning at 6:30 (6:32 to be precise) begging for his breakfast... even though I should call it "breakslow". I am not sure that this will be already the new (very welcome!) definitive habit of our little one, but I guess we can hope that from now on we can expect this timetable to become a real habit. Useless to say that mom (especially) and dad thank Emanuele for his effort to become a big boy quikly. At the moment I am writing, he is sleeping after arranging himself on the right side of his body. He is sweeter and sweeter!

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